
Dr S. Croce
Consultant in Gynecological pathology
Bordeaux, France
System : Gynecological
Years of experience : 15
Number of cases processed per year : > 800
Publications : 42
Organizations :
ISG, Member
Graduate of Research Management
MSC In biopathology
Board certification in Pathology
Career path
2010 - Today
Consultant in Gynecological pathology
Departement de Biopathologie, Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France
2008 - 2010
University Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
CHU Strasbourg, France
2003 - 2007
University Assistant Lecturer
CHU Strasbourg, France
Advantages of referring cases to Dr S. Croce

After studying medicine in Italy, Dr. Sabrina Croce graduated in Turin in 2003 from a specialist in pathological anatomy (under the direction of Prof. Bussolati and Pr Papotti), followed by a Master's degree at the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg in 2007.

She was a hospital-university assistant then Master of Conference-Hospital Practitioner at Strasbourg University Hospital until 2010.

In 2010, she joined the Institut Bergonié where she became a consultant in gynecological pathology.

Her specialty areas are gynecopathology and breast pathology. After her training with Prof. Esther Oliva and Prof. Robert Young at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, she has been particularly involved in uterine smooth muscle tumors and gynecological sarcomas in diagnostic activity (expert reviewer  in national RRePS networks) as well as in research and teaching.

She is a member of the International Society of Gynecopathology and the International Academy of Pathology.