
Dr R. Perret
Bordeaux, France
Years of experience : 5
Number of cases processed per year : > 1800
Publications : 20
Organizations :
ESP, Member
Msc in Biology
Board certification in Pathology
Doctor of Medicine
Career path
2018 - Today
Staff Pathologist
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
2017 - Today
Consultant in bone and soft tissue pathology
Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France
Advantages of referring cases to Dr R. Perret

Dr. R Perret currently works at Institut Bergonié and Centre Hospitalier de Bordeaux. He is an international expert in bone and soft tissue pathology and a member of the French Sarcoma Network (French expert pathology review network). He has authored and co-authored several articles in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and gives national and international presentations on sarcoma pathology.

Institut Bergonié set up a molecular biology platform specialized in sarcomas with FISH analysis using the latest probes, RT-PCR, Sanger and NGS sequencing, CGH-array and RNA sequencing, all techniques can be performed on formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues.