
Pr L. Lamant
Toulouse, France
System :
System : Skin
Years of experience : 20
Number of cases processed per year : > 1000
Publications : 194
WHO publications :
“Classification of Tumors of the lung pleura thymus and heart”
Fourth Edition - 2016
“Classification of Tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues”
Fourth Edition - 2016
Networks :
Lymphopath, Member
Organizations :
Ligue contre le Cancer Midi-Pyrénées, Member of the Scientific Committe
Fondation de France - La fondation de toutes les causes, Member of the Cancer Scientific Committe
SFPediatrie - Société Francaise de Pédiatrie, Member of the Lymphoma Committe
Graduate of Research Management
PhD in Physiopathology & Immunology
MD in Pathology (Prix Lasserre)
Msc in Human Physiopathology
Msc in Biology & Medical Sciences
Career path
2009 - Today
University Professor and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
IUCT Oncopole, Toulouse, France
1999 - 2009
University Lecturer and Hospital Practitioner in Pathology
CHU Purpan, Toulouse, France
1996 - 1999
University Assistant Lecturer
CHU Purpan, Toulouse, France
Advantages of referring cases to Pr L. Lamant

Pr. L Lamant is currently a referring pathologist for dermatopathology in France and more particularly in cutaneous lymphoproliferations.

She is member of the French Network of Study of Cutaneous Lymphomas and reviews more than 1 000 cases per year.

She published about 200 per reviewed articles and participated to the last WHO classification of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.

The department of Pathology of IUCT Oncopole has developed a molecular biology platform specialized in lymphomas with study of lymphoid clonality, FISH analysis, and NGS sequencing.