The department of pathology from Toulouse/ Oncopole is the greater academic laboratory in France comprising more than 30 pathologists allowing the management of all specialties. This department includes several technological platforms: an immunohistochemistry platform (with more than 250 antibodies available), a platform of molecular pathology (FISH analysis, NGS sequencing, Sanger genotyping) and an imaging platform (with 2 scanners of slides).
Pr J Selves is in charge of the molecular platform where are performed 2000 analysis /years for GI cancers (colorectal cancer, GIST, gastric carcinoma, Lynch syndromes or liver tumors).
Her specific topics are cancerous or pre-cancerous lesions of GI tract, liver and pancreas, the identification of new molecular and immunohistochemistry markers useful in GI pathology, the identification of hereditary forms of GI cancers and the liver diseases.