
Dr G. MacGrogan
Head of BioPathology Department
Bordeaux, France
System :
System : Breast
Years of experience : 25
Number of cases processed per year : > 500
Publications : 129
WHO publications :
“Tumors of the Breast and Female Genital Organs 2003”
Intraductal Papillary Neoplasms, auteur
Benign Epithelial Proliferations, co auteur
Mesenchymal Tumors, co auteur
“Classification of Tumors of the Breast 2012”
Invasive Carcinoma of No Special Type, co auteur
Bilateral breast carcinoma and Non-Synchronous Breast Carcinoma, auteur
Intraductal Papilloma, co auteur
Intraductal Papillary Carcinoma, auteur
Benign Vascular Lesions, auteur
Angiosarcoma, co auteur
Networks :
Organizations :
AIP Division Française, Member & Co-organizer of Post-University Training Courses
University Diploma in cytopathology
Fellowship - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington DC (USA)
Fellowship - Pathology Department Vanderbilt University Medical center, Nashville Tennessee (USA)
Msc in Pathology (regulation of eukaryotic expression)
Board certification in Pathology
MD in Pathology
Career path
2014 - Today
Consultant and Head of BioPathology Department
Institut Bergonié, France
2010 - 2014
Consultant and Head of Pathology Department
Institut Bergonié, France
1995 - 2009
Consultant in Pathology
Institut Bergonié, France
Advantages of referring cases to Dr G. MacGrogan

Gaëtan MacGrogan, the leading breast pathologist has performed part of his training in the USA, he is coauthor of several chapters of two last editions of WHO classification of breast tumors, he organizes breast pathology courses for the French division of the International Academy of pathology, he his author or co-author of more than 120 references in Pubmed.

Institute Bergonié’s biopathology department is ISO15189 certified and has all the diagnostic facilities of the 21st century including a modern surgical pathology laboratory and a molecular biology laboratory. All modern day techniques are performed including H&E staining, immunohistochemistry (more than 120 antibody references), FISH, RT-PCR, arrayCGH, Sanger sequencing, NGS

Institute Bergonié is the referral center for breast cancer of the southwest of France. Breast pathology has been one of the major specialties in this department for the past 30 years. The biopathology department issues more  than 2500 breast pathology reports per year.