
Dr A. De la fouchardière
Consultant in Skin pathology
Lyon, France
Years of experience : 17
Number of cases processed per year : > 2000
Publications : 126
WHO publications :
“Classification of Skin tumours 2018”
Chapter 2 (2-1A,-1B,-6A,-6B,-8A,-8B,-8C): Melanocytic tumours, auteur
Chapter 6 : BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome Benign Epithelial Proliferations, auteur
Organizations :
AIP Division Française, Member & Co-organizer of Post-University Training Courses
Board certification in pathology
MD in Pathology
Career path
2005 - Today
Consultant in Skin pathology
Centre Léon Bérard, France
2001 - 2004
University Assistant Lecturer
CHU Lyon (HCL), France
Advantages of referring cases to Dr A. De la fouchardière

The analysis of second opinion cases of melanocytic tumours is the main activity of Léon Bérard Center.

We are very focused on this topic and have an extensive experience in this narrow field where the rarest variants of tumours are concentrated.
Léon Bérard Center has invested and developed many molecular tools to support morphological analysis, taking it to the next level of molecular pathology, in an integrative manner which notably allow to answer to specific questions regarding classification or histoprognostic criteria.

The Léon Bérard Center is at the cutting edge of diagnostic research with new antibodies and the most recent molecular techniques on site.